Privacy policy.

All free trial classes are intended for members of the tri-state area. Please be prepared to show an ID or other proof of residence to verify your address. If you are visiting from out-of-town, please note that you cannot take a trial class. There is a mat fee of $40 for any visiting persons. 

Free Trial students are allowed to take Beginner Judo or any of the BJJ, Aikido, Karate, or Japanese Jiu Jitsu classes. If you are a Trial Class student with intermediate to advanced Judo experience (yellow belt and above), please feel free to register for the Advanced Class. If you have high-level experience in a separate martial art (BJJ for example), permission to enter the advanced class is up to the discretion of that day’s instructor.

At the end of your Trial Class, a staff member will hand you a pamphlet and walk you through our membership options. We are excited for your visit! Please read the below information in preparation for your first class.

Liability Release:

I understand and have had explained to me that the martial arts known as judo, jujutsu or jiu-jitsu, and “Brazilian jiu-jitsu”, karate, and Aikido are taught using all precautions to avoid any injuries. However, it may entail some risk of accident or injury and that this risk may be in the form of an accident that may be serious or even mortal as a consequence of the practice of the the before mentioned martial arts. I understand and have had explained to me that along with the possibility of personal injury that injury to property is also possible, such as, but not limited to possible loss of wages and the ability to earn such wages. With full knowledge of the aforementioned dangers, both to my person and to my property (current and future) and after having these dangers fully explained to myself and/or to my legal guardian. I hereby certify and declare that I will release and forever hold free and discharge from any liability, Kokushi Budo Institute and each of their agents, stockholders, directors, officers, employees, instructors and representatives of and from all claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of any nature whatsoever which I may have or which may hereafter accrue to me arising from and by reason of any and thereof, whether known or unknown, seen or unforeseen, resulting from my participation in “Kokushi Budo Institute” the persons and entities mentioned above. Further, knowing and understanding these risks, nevertheless I hereby agree to voluntarily assume these risks and to release and hold harmless all the persons or entities mentioned above who might otherwise be liable to me for damages. It is further understood that this waiver, release and assumption of risk is forever binding on my heirs and assigns. My signature on this document is evidence that I know and understand and have had this document explained to me, that I fully understand the dangers that are inherent in these martial arts and that I voluntarily certify that I will not hold Kokushi Budo Institute and their agents and/or assigns, responsible for any injury whether as a result of training or not.

Social Media Image Release:

I release Kokushi Budo Institute and Kokushi Budo Institute’s assignees, licensees, and successors from any claims that may arise regarding the use of my or my child’s image, including any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, or infringement of moral rights, rights of publicity, or copyright. Kokushi Budo Institute is permitted, although not obligated, to include my name as credit in connection with the image. Kokushi Budo Institute is not obligated to utilize any of the rights granted in this agreement. I have read and understood this agreement and I am over the age of 18. This agreement expresses the complete understanding of the involved parties.

Rules and Regulations:

  • No photography, video, or audio recordings of any kind are permitted without the express written consent of Kokushi Budo Institute.

  • All electronic devices must be put on silent or stored in the locker room. Private class appointment cancellations require 24 hours notice.

  • Always sign in using the iPad located by the mat and inform the instructor of your trial status.

  • No training without instructor supervision is permitted.

  • All students are to wear a clean judo or jiujitsu gi. If you do not have one and it is your first class, a gi will be provided for you. Return the loaner gi after class.

  • Personal cleanliness is important. Tie back long hair and ensure your nails are clipped. 

  • Refrain from walking around barefoot. Please bring slides and leave them in the dedicated shoe racks. If you do not own slides, we sell them at the door.

  • Do not attend class if you are ill. Any health condition, including injuries, which may pose a risk to others or to yourself must be discussed with KBI instructors before participation.

  • It is recommended to wear a rashguard during training. Please purchase one, either from us or from the many vendors that sell them.

  • No shoes allowed on the mat.

  • No jewelry of any kind should be worn to class. Please take them off and store them safely before stepping onto the mat. Kokushi Budo Institute is not responsible for any belongings you leave unattended.

  • No eating, drinking, or chewing gum on the mat. Please step off the mat to drink water during class.

  • Children not participating in class must be kept under parental supervision at all times.